Franklin Edmundo Rijkaard
Görev:Teknik Direktör
Takım:Kariyer Sonu
  • 1305
    fizikalibilitesice standartlari enstitüsünden gecer not almadigi icin kariyerini noktalamasi gerekmektedir.

    bir de hakkinda yazilanlari görünce richard whittington'in "what is strategy? and does it really matter" kitabinin önsözüne yazdiklarini aklima getirmektedir. söyle demis önsözde whittington:

    --- alıntı --- lists forty-seven books available with the title strategic management. most are thick tomes, filled with charts, lists and nostrums, promising the reader the fundamentals of corporate strategy. .... these texts generally sell at around $50.

    there is a basic implausibility about these books. ıf the secrets of corporate strategy could be acquired for $50, then we would not pay our top managers so much. or in plain english: if you are so smart, why aren't you rich?

    --- alıntı ---
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