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    there are so many dynamics around this topic. it’s an interesting one that i would really love to debate about. i think there is a lot to be learned about. it would also be so interesting for people to hear it from guys being referred to as such. straight from the horses mouth.

    one of the challenges is that there have not been many people of color or black people or african people in the limelight or who have some influence who have been able to fluently and accurately express their thought in turkish regarding this topic. most also evaded it altogether

    i always ask people if i am that what are you. they usually answer turk. then i explain the depth of what it means to be called turk. the history, heritage, culture an all that. and i ask for them to give me the same about “zenci” people.

    they usually get stuck and they have nothing to say but it being color black, then i simply tell them not to rob me off of my background and reduce me into a color. this usually hits home for many.

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    3y1t youtube kanalı yayıncısı joel moriasi


    bir twitter kullanıcısı: “ türkiye'de zenci kelimesine bakış açın nedir ırkçılık olarak algılıyor musun? yoksa siyahi denmesini mi tercih edersin? bizde ona göre dikkat edelim. bu arada adamın dibisin.”

    kenyalı youtuber joel moriasi: “o kelimeyi sevmem.”

    “türkçe” konuşan başka bir youtuber:

    (bkz: zenci/@mokoena)
    (bkz: pascal nouma/@mokoena)

    tarihsel köken, farslar, niyet, kullanılan amaç... hiçbirinin önemi yok. koca bir türk dili uzmanı olsanız dahi “zenci” kelimesinin olumlu anlaşılabilecek bir anlamı yok. “ni..a” neyse o da o. ve ırkçı. abd’de de yüzbinlercesi “nigger means just black in hundred years...” falan diye savunuyor zaten.

    ek: konuyla bağlantılı “blackface” muhabbeti de var tabi çok ilgi alanımızın dışında. onun neden ırkçı olduğunu anlayan* zaten tüm konuyu da anlar.

    ek2: blackface; ama ilgi alanımızın dışında değil.

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