• 754
    (bkz: #1709809) birkaç diyalog ekleyeyim dedim. bir de entrye bir şeyler ekledim...

    sue lor: there's a ton of food.
    walt kowalski: yeah, well just keep your hands off my dog. *
    sue lor: no worries, we only eat cats.

    walt kowalski: relax, zipperhead. i'm not gonna shoot you. i'd look down too, if i was you. you know, i knew you were a dipshit the first time i ever saw you. then i thought you were worse with women than stealing cars... toad. *
    thao vang lor: it's thao.
    walt kowalski: what?
    thao vang lor: it's not toad, my name is thao.
    walt kowalski: yeah, well, you were blowing it with that girl who was there. not that i give two shits about a toad like you.
    thao vang lor: you don't know what you're talking about.
    walt kowalski: you're wrong, eggroll, i know exactly what i'm talking about. i may not be the most pleasant person to be around, but i got the best woman who was ever on this planet to marry me. i worked at it, it was the best thing ever happened to me. hands down. but you, you know, you're letting click-clack, ding-dong and charlie chan just walk out with miss what's-her-face. she likes you, you know? though i don't know why!
    thao vang lor: who?
    walt kowalski: yum yum. you know, the girl in the purple sweater. she's been looking at you all day, stupid!
    thao vang lor: you mean youa?
    walt kowalski: yeah... yum yum... yeah... nice girl... nice girl, very charming girl... i talked with her... yeah. but you, you just let her walk out right out with the three stooges. and you know why? 'cause you're a big fat pussy. well, i gotta go. good day, pussycake.
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