• 551
    (bkz: #779904)

    şike nedeniyle kulüplerin küme düşürülebilmesine dair yani şike olaylarında tüzel kişilerin de sorumlu tutulabileceği hususunu içeren 28 eylül 2011 tarihli avrupa konseyi bakanlar komitesi'nin tavsiye kararından ilgili bölüm (13.2) :

    --- alıntı ---
    recommendation cm/rec(2011)10
    of the committee of ministers to member states
    on promotion of the integrity of sport against manipulation of results notably match-fixing

    c. legislative and other measures

    12. member states should ensure that their legal and administrative systems are provided with appropriate and effective legal means for combating manipulation of sports results.

    13. member states should review their existing legislation to ensure that:

    13.1. manipulation of sports results – especially in cases of manipulation of competitions open to bets – including acts or omissions to conceal or disguise such conduct, falls within the remit of the national law and can be sanctioned in accordance with the seriousness of the conduct;

    13.2. legal persons can be held liable for conduct as referred to in paragraph 13.1.

    --- alıntı ---

    not: kaynak konusundaki mesajı için tias'a teşekkürler.
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