Andrea Pirlo
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    amme hizmeti olarak kitabındaki fatih terim ile ilgili kısmının tamamını ingilizce olarak paylaşıyorum:

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    ...he and berlusconi had a few differences of opinion, in particular towards the end of carlo’s time at milan, but theirs is an enduring, mutual affection. the same can’t be said of certain other coaches, for example the turk fatih terim, whom ancelotti ended up replacing. he was a remarkable person, a really strange fellow who seemed allergic to rules. ıt was obvious from an early stage that he wouldn’t last long and sure enough he was fired.

    before milan, he’d been with smaller, less stately clubs who’d allowed him to do as he pleased. the environment was different at milan. he’d arrive late for lunch, turn up for official engagements without a tie, run off and leave mr bic on his own at the table just so he could watch big brother. you’d see him walking around milanello with garishly loud clothes, looking like john travolta.

    he had this mad translator, practically his shadow, who at one point advised him to cut off relations with the media. ındefinitely. at milan. the club where communication is always par excellence.

    the translator also had a few problems getting across terim’s message to those of us in the dressing room. the coach would be gesticulating and talking away in turkish: “boys, we’re about to play one of the most important matches of the season. lots of people are criticising us, but ı believe in you. we can’t give up now. there are great expectations upon us, and we’ve a moral obligation not to disappoint. let’s do it for ourselves, for the club, for the president, for the fans. there are moments in life when a man has to lift his head. ı believe that moment has arrived for us. go on, boys. go on.”
    the translator, standing there quite motionless, would then say in ıtalian: “juventus are coming tomorrow. we need to win.” one of them spoke for five minutes, the other for five seconds.

    terim: “andrea, you’ll be the focal point for our game. you direct our play, but take your time and don’t force it. weigh up the situation and give the ball to the team-mate who has the fewest opponents around him. we’re relying on you: you’re absolutely fundamental for this team and the way we want to play. but ı’ll say it again: don’t force it. calm and cool are the watchwords here. first think, then pass: that’s the only way we’ll get the right result and show the whole of ıtaly we’re still alive. that we won’t go down without a fight. right, now, everyone out on the pitch. let’s see an amazing session with real intensity. ı want it to be right up there with the best we’ve had this year.”

    the translator: “pirlo pass the ball. and now let’s go and train.”

    some of the team meetings, especially in the early days, were absolutely unforgettable. terim would stand in front of the tactics board, take out a piece of chalk and draw 11 circles. each circle represented a player, but it got to the point that there were so many notes and scribbles, you couldn’t tell which circles were the defenders, which the midfielders and which the strikers. total chaos: only the goalkeeper wasn’t in doubt.

    he’d point to a circle and say: “okay, costacurta, you need to go here.” and ı’d be forced to pipe up: “but boss, that’s me.” ıt was even worse when he mistook the defenders for strikers – ı began to suspect he was doing it on purpose. four forwards on the pitch and only two defenders: berlusconi’s forbidden dream.

    but even terim was aware that without the president, that type of president, milan would have been nothing, both in terms of money and power. without his cash and commitment, they’d have ended up like lots of other clubs.

    berlusconi would go mad, quite literally, when we won in europe or on the global stage. he’d burst into song, strum along with his mucker mariano apicella,30 tell jokes. under his command, milan became the most decorated club in the world, just as it now says beneath the crest on the players’ shirts. berlusconi, by extension, is the most decorated president.

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    vaktim olmadığı için türkçe çeviri için uğraşamıyorum kusura bakmayın ama "the turk fatih terim" ifadesi bile yeterince ipucu veriyor. pirlo'nun terim eleştirileri bel altı ve amacını aşan tarzda. ayrıca tercüman 2 kelimeyle çeviriyi bitiriyorsa pirlo bu kadar uzun cümleleri nasıl anlayabilmiş merak konusu. sanırım terim'in italyancası sandığımızdan daha iyiymiş.
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