• 586
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    22 mayıs 2014 perşembe
    uefa'ya yeni mail: talimatları uygula ve şikecileri düşür
    değerli adalet mücadelecileri;

    bildiğiniz üzere uefa, 21.05.2014 itibari ile 2010-2011 sezonunda şikeye karıştıkları gerekçesi ile eskişehirspor ve sivasspor hakkında disiplin soruşturması başlattı.

    bundan önceki disiplin soruşturmaları sonucu şike suçu sabit görülen fenerbahçe ve beşiktaş avrupa kupalarından men edilmişti ve muhtemelen bu iki takımın da akıbeti aynı olacak ama bu bizim için yeterli değil.

    tff ve uefa talimatnameleri gereği bu takımların kümedüşürülmesi gerekmektedir ve bizler de uefa'ya gerekli maddeleri hatırlatıp görevini tam ve eksiksiz yapmasını istiyoruz.

    mailin konu kısmına: 'uefa must apply all sanctions to teams involved in match fixing' yazıyoruz

    michel platini, gianni infantino, şenes erzik, ángel maría villar llona, marios n lefkaritis, giancarlo abete, grigoriy surkis, karen espelund, david gill, allan hansen, avraham luzon, wolfgang niersbach, michael van praag, sergey fursenko, peter gilliéron, františek laurinec, borislav mihaylov, mircea sandu

    uefa launched a new disciplinary proceedings against turkish teams eskişehirspor and sivasspor as a result of their invovment in match fixing activities of fenerbahce sk during 2010-2011 season.

    although it is clearly stated in turkish football federation’s (tff) and uefa’s disciplinary regulations that all teams involved in match fixing must be relegated, 3rd season running they competed in a league they were not supposed to be, thanks to tff and uefa.

    uefa banned teams from european competitions, but it is unacceptable for football world that uefa failed to make sure tff relegated these teams.

    we would like to remind you once again that uefa is obliged to make sure all federations obey rules and regulations of uefa stated in its statutes and disciplinary regulations.

    we demand uefa to apply all sanctions to teams involved in match fixing and prove that ‘zero tolerance’ is not a big lie.

    below are the articles and codes froms statutes and disciplinary regulationsof uefa and tff;

    according to the turkish football federation status article 2/f ;
    turkish football federation has to obey the verdicts of uefa and fifa and make sure all parties, such as; clubs, players, managers, etc, obey these verdicts too

    according to the turkish football federation disciplinary code 55/1(b) ;
    teams, whose board members are involved in match fixing or bribery, must be relegated to a lower division

    according to the uefa statutes (edition 2012) ;
    obligations of member associations article 7bis:
    (1) [fair play, statutes, laws of the game]:
    member associations shall have the following obligations:
    a) to observe the principles of loyalty, integrity and sportsmanship in accordance with the principles of fair play;
    member associations shall include these obligations in their statutes, as well as a provision that leagues, clubs, players and officials shall observe these obligations.

    withdrawal and termination of membership, exclusion,
    dissolution of a member association
    article 8/ 3 a member association may be excluded from uefa if it has:
    b) seriously breached these statutes or a regulation or decision made under them;

    article 9
    1 if, in the opinion of the executive committee, a member
    associa tion has committed a serious breach of these statutes or regulations or decisions made under them, the executive committee shall be entitled to suspend the membership of themember association with immediate effect.
    and also…
    according to the resolution signed by uefa and its federations in astana;

    5. pursuant to their own regulations and practice and subject to the application of national law, to:

    f) ensure that, in addition to individuals, clubs are also held responsible and sanctioned in circumstances where those with authority to act on behalf of the club are involved in match-fixing, attempted match-fixing, or any other form of corruption linked to match-fixing;
    g) exclude match-fixing, attempted match-fixing, and any other form of corruption linked to match-fixing from any kind of statute of limitations.

    10. all member associations of uefa re-affirm that match-fixing, attempted match-fixing or other forms of corruption linked to match-fixing must be met with strong and sporting sanctions, such as the possibility of lifetime bans for officials, players, coaches or referees, and measures such as the deduction of points and/or relegation and/or exclusion from competition for clubs.


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    mail adresleri :

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    ralf.mutschke@fifa.org; jerome.valcke@fifa.org; mjgarcia@ci.glendale.ca.us;
    alasdair.bell@uefa.ch; thomas.giordano@uefa.ch; william.gaillard@uefa.ch;
    mariosl@lefkaritisgroup.com.cy; ceidd.emilio@urjc.es; joel.wolff@football.lu;
    raymond.hack@safa.net; nphil@pritchardp.freeserve.co.uk; jshaw@irishfa.com;
    uefadirect@uefa.ch; info@uefa.com; leuba-avocats@vtxnet.ch; contact@fifa.org;
    marion.mayer-vorfelder@fifa.org; csr@fifa.org; datainfo@fifa.org; contact@uefa.com;
    discipline@uefa.ch; media@uefa.ch; congressmedia@fifa.org; delia.fischer@fifa.org;
    dispatch@fifa.org; federico.addiechi@fifa.org; hidenori.arai@fifa.org; media@fifa.org;
    jim.brown@fifa.org; jiri.dvorak@fifa.org; markus.kattner@fifa.org;
    niclas.ericson@fifa.org; nicolas.evans@fifa.org; stephanie.markwalder@fifa.org;
    nicolas.maingot@fifa.org; paul.calder@fifa.org; secretarygeneraloffice@fifa.org;
    info@cfa.com.cy; info@dfb.de; info@thefa.com; info@amateur-fa.com; info@fai.ie;
    info@armyfa.com;office@oefb.at; rfef@rfef.es; figc.affarigenerali@figc.it;
    info@faw.co.uk; international@figc.it; sfv.asf@football.ch; concern@knvb.nl;
    office@oefb.at; urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com; bfu@bfunion.bg; j.fortf11@gmail.com;
    info@hns-cff.hr; dbu@dbu.dk; mlsz@mlsz.hu; svff@svenskfotboll.se; frf@frf.ro;
    sport.austria@sport.gv.at; presse@bmlvs.gv.at; office@sport-fed.sk;
    sport@vlaanderen.be; kabinet.muyters@vlaanderen.be; kontakt@msport.gov.pl;
    info@uksport.gov.uk; anticorruption@mpes.government.bg; minister@ypepth.gr;
    segreteria.passera@mit.gov.it; n.novi@governo.it; kum@kum.dk; ash@kum.dk;
    androulla.vassiliou@ec.europa.eu; integrityprotection@olympic.org; koen.doens@ec.europa.eu;
    eac-sport@ec.europa.eu ; info@scottishfa.co.uk; jmdorsey@questfze.com;
    ethics@olympic.org; sport@coe.int; dee@culture.gr; bre@minbuza.nl;

    papacostas.koa@cytanet.com.cy; dgue.segreteria@esteri.it; euclords@parliament.uk;

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