barcelona futbol takımı her maçta sahaya çıkarken (ısırkende maçtan öncede) çalan marştır. bazen seyirciler maçın içinde kendiliğinden replik kısmını söylerler... barça, barça, barça kısmında müzik kısılır 100bin kişi aynı anda bağırır.... sözlerini de catalanca ve ingilizce vereyim de tam olsun...
tot el camp, és un clam, (the entire field is a clamour,)
som la gent blaugrana, (we are the blue and red people,)
tant se val d'on venim, (no matter where we come from,)
si del sud o del nord, (be it south or north,)
ara estem d'acord, estem d'acord, (now we all agree, we all agree,)
una bandera ens agermana. (a flag unites us in brotherhood.)
blaugrana al vent, (blue and red with the wind,)
un crit valent, (a brave cry,)
tenim un nom, el sap tothom: (we have a name everyone knows:)
barça!, barça!, barça! (barça!, barça!, barça!)
jugadors, seguidors, (players, supporters,)
tot units fem força. (all together we are strong.)
són molts anys plens d'afanys, (many years full of zeal,)
són molts gols que hem cridat, (many goals we have screamed,)
i s'ha demostrat, s'ha demostrat, (and it's proven, it's proven,)
que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer. (no one will ever beat us.)
blaugrana al vent, (blue and red with the wind,)
un crit valent, (a brave cry,)
tenim un nom, el sap tothom: (we have a name everyone knows:)
barça!, barça!, barça! (barça!, barça!, barça!)
tot el camp, és un clam, (the entire field is a clamour,)
som la gent blaugrana, (we are the blue and red people,)
tant se val d'on venim, (no matter where we come from,)
si del sud o del nord, (be it south or north,)
ara estem d'acord, estem d'acord, (now we all agree, we all agree,)
una bandera ens agermana. (a flag unites us in brotherhood.)
blaugrana al vent, (blue and red with the wind,)
un crit valent, (a brave cry,)
tenim un nom, el sap tothom: (we have a name everyone knows:)
barça!, barça!, barça! (barça!, barça!, barça!)
jugadors, seguidors, (players, supporters,)
tot units fem força. (all together we are strong.)
són molts anys plens d'afanys, (many years full of zeal,)
són molts gols que hem cridat, (many goals we have screamed,)
i s'ha demostrat, s'ha demostrat, (and it's proven, it's proven,)
que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer. (no one will ever beat us.)
blaugrana al vent, (blue and red with the wind,)
un crit valent, (a brave cry,)
tenim un nom, el sap tothom: (we have a name everyone knows:)
barça!, barça!, barça! (barça!, barça!, barça!)